Barry Manilow Makes Surprise Visit At Local Bar

By Victor O

Image credits: The Swallows Nest / Instagram

Meeting a celebrity is something everyone would love to experience. Being star-struck could leave you smiling all through the week. Little did the people at The Swallows Nest know they were about to meet a star one Tuesday afternoon.

Barry Manilow needs no introduction, but for the sake of young readers, we’ll elaborate on him a little. Manilow is an American songwriter with a career that started back in the 60s. The Copacabana crooner Grammy-nominee has released over 50 ‘Top 40’ singles. The star made a quiet and non-ceremonial visit to the pub lunch in Worcestershire for lunch. He ordered cod and chips with a glass of water and gladly posed for pictures with the very excited fans.

The pub’s assistant manager said the star was polite and kind. She reported that he walked in without fanfare, and she still recognized him immediately. Interestingly, some of the younger staff in the Gen Z demography did not recognize him. Even the patrons could not believe it was him until they spotted his tour bus in the parking lot.

Image credit: @photograph / Pexels

The assistant manager added that the star was chill and glad that people were asking for pics. With over six decades behind him in the industry, Manilow is not a stranger to paparazzi, and dining in pubs randomly is probably a form of escape and an attempt to live like an average person who just wants to enjoy chips without cameras in his face.